Saturday, June 20, 2009

First Thursday @ 49 / 77 Geary

For June's First Thursday I was a little gutsy and opted to cover the galleries in 49 and 77 Geary. I have to say, big props to Alan Bamberger for covering it monthly; shooting 49 / 77 is probably the biggest challenge I've ever undertaken. But, much was learned in the process, and you can check out the report on

Saturday, June 13, 2009 - Flickr Sketches & Facebook

Out with the old, and in with the new. The former "Sketch for.." section of has been updated with a Flickr widget! Now, when I upload sketches and in progress, you'll see them instantly appear on! Exciting! (well, exciting for me anyway.. it's less work)

The sketches are also automated to pop up on Twitter and Facebook, so if you're following me via either channel, you'll get them there too. However, I plan to keep the updates reasonably moderate (one or two images a week), so as not to bombard anyone. I probably tweet more than enough as it stands.

Also, I managed to secure my Facebook username! You can now click over to to easily connect with my profile and friend me.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Megan Wolfe Pigeons in Progress

This week I wrapped up another piece for the show in September. However, rather than show it in its entirety, I thought I would tease you guys with a snippet! (Note that this is just a small part of a larger piece - the actual work is 22 x 28 inches)

The End is Near @ Babylon Falling

It's been a pleasure covering the art receptions of this independent bookstore, and "The End is Near" is a show not to be missed. With this last report, we say our fond farewells to Nob Hill's very own Babylon Falling.