Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Holidays, & (Almost) Finished Plant Drawing

Amid all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I finished up the piece that was in progress. I still feel like there should be more detail in the foreground, or a few adjustments made, to say the least. So I will probably come back and make some fixes between projects in the new year.

This piece is 22 x 30 inches, wax pencil on paper. Title pending (though I have some ideas).

Also, this is probably my last update before Christmas, so happy holidays, guys! I hope you stay safe in your travels, and enjoy the yumminess that comes with holiday food and goodies! (I know I'm looking forward to it)

Monday, December 08, 2008

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Aqua Art Miami - Bucheon Contemporary

Just a quick reminder, if you happen to be checking out Aqua Art Miami this year, be sure to stop by Bucheon Contemporary! They're showing three of my pigeon works: Carrion #1, Carrion #2, and Prey.

"Aqua Art Miami"

Aqua Wynwood / Bucheon Contemporary Gallery

December 2 - 7, 2008

42 NE 25th st, Miami, FL


White Walls has also been Twittering (tweeting) coverage from Aqua Art Miami. They recently posted this article from E-Flux, listing the galleries and locations. Since I can't be there in person this year, their updates have been much appreciated!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

In Progress, and Upcoming Shows (complete with pigeons!)

Here we are, the "in progress" I mentioned in 001 of the Video Blog. Now that the under sketch is correct, it's coming along smoothly. There's still plenty of work to do though, as this piece is 22 x 30 inches (because of the size, I'm also working with the drawing sideways.. it doesn't fit on my table otherwise!).

Besides promised in progress, I have some awesome pigeon-related news! Bucheon Contemporary Gallery has picked up some of my work for a group show in January! They're also taking three of my smaller pigeon works with them to Aqua Art Miami in December! Sweet!


"Aqua Art Miami"

Aqua Wynwood / Bucheon Contemporary Gallery

December 2 - 7, 2008

42 NE 25th st, Miami, FL


"Group Show"

Bucheon Contemporary Gallery

Fri. January 9th, 2009

389 Grove st, San Francisco, CA


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Studio Video Blog 002

I need an actual title for these videos, aside from "Studio Video Blog 002". Any suggestions? :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Studio Video Blog 001

First shot at video blogging! Hopefully I haven't embarrassed myself too much.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

AAU Faculty Alumni Auction

I haven't been on top of things as far as updates go. The Academy of Art University Faculty / Alumni Auction has already passed, and I failed to keep track of my announcements.

However, the good news is that I sold some work (including this piece), and, because I was volunteering, I also got to wrap up my work for the collector. Exciting!

Aside from that, this week is about getting back on track. I started a new long drawing, and I almost have Sociology #2 ready to print. I'll be posting in progress pics of each, as soon as I can.

In the meantime, I uploaded a new sketch for 11/12/08.

Christian Spruell at Bucheon

It's been a long time since I covered a show for Fecal Face. The combination of my Open Studio and my teaching schedule has thrown my internship all out of whack. But I'm trying to find balance again. Even if I miss a reception or two (or dozens..). In this case, I decided to play catch-up and check out Christian Spruell's work at Bucheon. Pics of "Oh My, a Pie!" can be found on Fecal Face.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Blackbird Sketchbook Cover

Trying to get this entry in, but honestly, I'm super distracted by election coverage. I trust you are too, so you won't notice my second rate entry (until tomorrow).

Anywho, after two years of love, my sketchbook-binder fell apart, and I needed to get a new one. I finally picked one up yesterday; my reward for 4.5 hours of waiting to vote (after four hours, stickers just don't do it for me).

I never actually made a cover for the old one, but I wanted to definitely do something for the new one. So I brewed up some tea, and made a mess. This guy was the result. 

He's sumi ink on watercolor paper.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Open Studio photos on!

Because I'm too gosh-darn lazy to reblog them properly, you can check out the Open Studio reception pics at:

Also, thanks everyone for stopping by the event! Albert and I are immensely tired after all the work, but it was an awesome experience to invite people into our workspace, and we hope you guys had fun too!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October 26th, the Studio door will open!

Sunday, October 26th, from 11am to 6pm, stop by my studio on Sutter street for art, munchies, and conversation!

Artwork will include framed works from "It Meant Something to Me", as well as highly affordable paintings, oil studies, and sketches (including this piece).

Sociology #2

For the past couple of weeks I've been kicking around ideas for Sociology #2. Today, at home, sick, I decided to "screw planning" and jump in.

It couldn't have worked out better. My original plan was to make the art in #2 less conceptual, and slightly more representational. There's the tease for you. This is the cover image:

The zine is still not finished yet, of course, and it might not be until after the Open Studio on October 26th, but I couldn't be happier. It'll be super cool when it's done.

Stay posted!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

New Work, and Printing for Punishment

Apologies for the long delay. The past two weeks have been pretty hectic. Aside from conducting workshops with the Academy and plugging my class with Sharon Art Studio, I'm also planning for my Open Studio that occurs in three weeks. It's a lot of work, and I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. I've managed to create new and awesome business cards (each is more like a limited edition print than business card), and at the same time, I royally fubard the postcards for my Open Studio.

Honestly, I got a little in over my head with trying to custom print everything. I've been stubborn to the point of being stupid. I really don't like print companies because my images are almost always two values off, but I should have sucked it up and used one this time. Custom printing works beautifully, but not on larger prints, at the required volume. Not with my printer, anyway.

I guess this is a lesson learned (I still like the idea though, so maybe not). Stay tuned for more Open Studio adventures; I'm sure I'll have several to share soon.

Finally, I also updated with a new sketch for 09/30/08. So there's a nice little goody for your patience.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Macy's Passport Gala, and Sociology Sketches

This week I helped out my buddy Mark Elliot with his mural for the Macy's Passport Gala. Unfortunately, I could only chip in with the preliminary work, as my workshop at AAU conflicted with the time frame of the actual event. All the same, it was a fun experience, and I can't wait to see pics of the finished piece.

Check out: Macy's Passport Gala

(photo description: Steve Javiel shows off his stealth ability by camouflaging himself with the mural underpainting)

Also, if you requested a copy of "Sociology", I included quickie sketches on each of the notes I slipped in with the zines. It's nothing big, and they're similar to the sketches I do for my postcards, but I hope you guys get a kick out of them anyhow.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Flesh #6, finished.

I started this mini-series with the intention of stopping with six. Of course, after six you get ideas, and it's hard to stop. But this is the last for now. Time to move on.

I'm also thrilled because Albert bought me a new MacBook for our anniversary, and I can actually TYPE my posts in Typepad, instead of copying them over from my word processor. It's awesome! I may even start video blogging now that I have a camera. Except I hate listening to myself, so that might not work out after all. We'll see.

Sociology update: I'm out of zines, guys. If you requested one during the offer, I'm going to mail them out on Friday. Thanks, and I hope you guys enjoy them! (let me know what you think, too, feedback is always cool)

Jeremy Mora at Mark Wolfe Contemporary

No, sorry, I'm not related to Mark Wolfe, as far as I know (wouldn't that be cool?). But this month at Mark Wolfe Contemporary, there's a neat show of miniature landscape-sculptures by Jeremy Mora. My full report and pics, of course, can be found on Fecal Face.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

"Sociology" Zine Now at City Lights!

It's official, City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco is carrying several copies of my zine, Sociology! If you happen to be in the Bay Area, stop by and pick up a copy! They're priced at $2 each. Pretty sweet for something partially hand-drawn, signed, and numbered.

However, if you live too far away, I have a few that I'm giving away through! If you're interested in one, drop me a line with a mailing address, and I'll put one in the mail for you. Scout's honor, I won't send you anything except the zine (and maybe a thank you note). The zines are limited in quantity though, so get one while you can!

(P.S. For a preview of Sociology, go to

Sunday, August 31, 2008

David Ball at Babylon Falling

Forgot to post this yesterday. Last week I scoped out David Ball's show at Babylon Falling bookstore in lower Nob Hill. It's a really neat little spot, and they do a great job with their receptions (especially impressed with their photography and studio visit videos).

As usual, you can check out Fecal Face for my pics and commentary.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Finished Carrion #2

Carrion #2 is in the bag! At this point I'm going to take a little time, work on "My Flesh #6", and evaluate my direction. I'm not sure how many of "Carrion" I want to make.. three, four, six? Or even stop with two. Either way, I want an even balance of different works, not too much of one thing or the other.

I also have some "Sociology" news (aside from my upcoming giveaway for you guys). I can't say too much before I'm sure, but I've been on the hunt for distribution, and it looks like someone might pick it up (if you've been following my Twitter or Facebook accounts, you already know). Keep your fingers crossed!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Carrion #2 In Progress, and Sociology

After five "Flesh" drawings, it's time for another break before diving into number six. So it's back to the pigeons with Carrion #2! Sweetness.

Other than that, I've been hard at work on an eight-page, mini-sized zine I'm calling "Sociology". Eventually, I'll have a little give-away for you guys that frequent the blog, but, for now, here's a preview of the cover.

They're pretty limited in quantity; I made 50 of issue #1. They're numbered on the back, signed, and all of them have some hand-drawn elements on each of the interior pages. More pics soon to come!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I Be A Teachin'

Summer semester has come to a close at the Academy of Art, and I'm sad to see it go. I had some super-cool students that were a lot of fun, and the feedback I got at the final exhibition was better than chocolate. Needless to say, I'm pretty stoked for the Fall.

Aside from teaching at the Academy, I will also be doing a 5-week workshop with Sharon Art Studio in San Francisco. "Creative Composition in Graphite" is intended to delve into my process, employing some photographic elements and creativity exercises. All the more reason to be stoked.

Check out Sharon Art Studio.

(photo descriptions: top, I stole this from Albert's mobile uploads on Facebook, left, from the "It Meant Something to Me" series)

Kill Pixie & Cleon Peterson

For all it's awesome-ness, White Walls is taking its artists and collectors to the next level. I guess that would be uber-awesomeness? Starting this month with Kill Pixie and Cleon Peterson, San Francisco can expect to catch bigger names coming to the gallery in the upcoming months (*cough* Shepard Fairey *cough*).

As per usual, you can check out my pics and comments on Fecal!

Photo description: Detail of Kill Pixie's work.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Common Descent" at 111 Minna

This month 111 Minna has a show featuring a couple of my school chums, Brett Amory and John Wentz, along with artists Seth Armstrong and Andrew Hem. All of these guys produce amazing work, and the show was a blast to shoot. If you happen to be in downtown San Francisco in August, check this one out!

In the meantime, you can check the pics and read my commentary on Fecal Face!

Monday, August 11, 2008

More Flesh-Bark Goodness

Long delay between posts. The past two weeks have had a few ups and downs, and too much "stuff" interfering with work. But hey, it happens sometimes. I still managed to finish up "My Flesh #4" and "My Flesh #5".

The school semester also concluded last week. My students had an art show of work done in the class, and awards were handed out. It was tons of fun. I'll have pics posted soon.

Lastly, new Sketch for 08/10/08, and I also updated Current Work, and my resume under "Info About Meg".

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I Break For Pigeons

Just a quickie update, cuz I have to get back to work. Needless to say, I'm taking a little mini-break from the pigeons (I blame the grass in Carrion). This is "My Flesh #2" and "My Flesh #3", snippets of tree bark. Each is 4x6 inches, graphite on paper.

Overall, I like these; I think they relate more to the Blackbird series. My plan is to do six of these total, and, hopefully, by next week I'll be jazzed for more pigeon-y goodness.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Boatload of New Work, & Updates

Wrapped up another pigeon piece.. This one is also 8x10 inches, and reminds me of the quail hunting paintings I grew up with. You know, the kind "Bubba" has hanging on his wall next to the decapitated deer (except my family had commemorative quail plates instead of paintings). In some way, I feel that adds something extra to its meaning.

I also completed another Blackbird commission. Apparently, they make great anniversary gifts, but that's cool. I like sentimentality, it means the piece will be loved.

Finally, I updated "Current Work" and "If I Run" with new work, and there's a new Sketch for 07/19/08 (no more creepy skulls, boo).

Heroes & Villains, and Rene Almanza!

Last weekend I dropped by White Walls and The Shooting Gallery for "Heroes & Villains". The show was a series of photographs by Tatiana Wills and Roman Cho, featuring portraits of well known artists, including Audrey Kawasaki, Eric Joyner, and Gary Baseman.

Unfortunately, the show had a short life span of 9 days, but it was really fun while it lasted. Check out the pics and review on to see what you missed.

I was also incredibly flattered (and beyond dumbstruck) when Rene Almanza dropped by the gallery last Saturday and gave me an original drawing! I'm still giddy!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Therapy Dropout on

My photos from First Thursday's show(s) at Upper Playground have made their way to Fecal Face! The show features the works of Hera, Ala Ebtekar, and Rene Almanza, and will be up until July 24th. Highly recommended; awesome show, really tight work (so tight, in fact, they're awesome). If you have time, check it out; best show I've seen this month.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Late Happy 4th, and Finished Work

Happy 4th, and a happy long weekend! We spent ours molesting mannequins at Macy's (see pic above).

Unfortunately, Sunday, it's back to work. Besides my own work-in-progress, I'm working on a commission, and editing reception pics for Fecal Face (Fifty24SF has an amazing show this month).

But I can't show any of that stuff yet, so, as a substitute for awesomeness, here's the previous piece, finished.

(P.S. Attempting to adjust the format of Afterthoughts to match So far, it doesn't work.)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

New In Progress.. Plus Updates!

New in progress. This one stems from a, presumably, pest-free tree. Did I mention that my bonsai still has bug problems? We're working to fix that though.. Also, I've uploaded eight of my newest works into Photo Albumns on Three images in "Misc", one in "If I Run", and four in "Current Work", which is an overview, and preview, of my upcoming series.

Lastly, new sketch for 06/22/08! YEAH! I totally never update this on a weekly basis, so you'll be lookin' at those creepy skulls for a while. I like them though. They're dramatic.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"Terrain" at Studio Gallery

What's a Californian landscape without a few nasty little pigeons? Studio Gallery opens a group show titled "Terrain" on June 18th (closing July 13th) that includes my 8x10 inch pigeon drawing (yep, the one I just finished last week). Here's the specs:

Opening Reception: Sat. June 21st, 4-8 pm

Studio Gallery, 1718A Polk St. (between Clay & Washington)

You can check out a preview of Terrain at:

Hope to see you guys there!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Another Pigeon Drawing, Another In Progress

Between throwing sheep at Albert on Facebook, and picking mites ("aphids") off of our bonsai tree, I actually managed to finish the 22x30 inch pencil piece I was working on. I also started a new one. A much.. smaller one.Unfortunately, this photo is from yesterday morning; I've since rocked along with this little 8x10 inch piece-of-sanity, finishing the first bird completely. Also, just to let you guys know, I updated with a new Sketch for 06/04/08.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Tucker Nichols at DeYoung

More show reception pics are up on Fecal Face. These are from the Tucker Nichols show I went to at the DeYoung last week.

Not sure what to think about this show. I'm still processing it. Some things, like the graphs and percentages of museum visitors, were pretty amusing (having worked for a museum recently), and I liked the photography projections. Other things, not so much. Probably would have helped if I stayed for the talk.

Photo desciption: In my quest to locate Nichols, I assaulted a bearded guy with a fedora. He was asking for it.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Fecal Face and Twitter

Last note for the night; had to mention it. This summer I'm interning for (a San Francisco based art website). I'll be covering shows, blogging shows, and gallery sitting. I'm pretty excited about it.

I also had my first assignment this week, covering the show of my friend, David Choong Lee. His show with Mars-1 at Bucheon Gallery just got posted on, so be sure to check it out.

Here's the link for you guys.

Finally, I added the Twitter feed to the sidebar of I'm not sure how useful it is for artists, but you get to follow my daily exploits via mini-comments. So, if you're bored, and want to read about me scraping the scum off of my bathtub, Twitter's got you covered.

Long Awaited In Progress

The progress report is a little late, as I've pretty much finished the details of the piece. Just working my way down now. Should have it finished soon. The full image is 22 x 30 inches, wax pencil on paper.

Typepad "Compose" Problems

Sorry guys, I'm playing catch-up on a few things. Typepad just upgraded their "compose new entry" page, and it's pretty buggy. Actually, it doesn't work at all with Safari, or IE, and I'm struggling through Firefox as we speak.
The good news is that Six Apart, and the help/support guys of Typepad, have fantastic crowd-control, and they've been twittering, and replying, to user complaints and questions. Mine included.
Hopefully, the bugs will be resolved soon.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Commissioned Blackbirds, New Sketch, and Artist T-Shirts at the Gap

I've been a little busy lately, so I thought I would post a commissioned piece I completed recently. "Two Blackbirds" is 4.5x7 inches, graphite on bristol.

But this isn't the reason for my hiatus. Truth be told, I'm in the process of leaving the 9 to 5 day job in favor of being a full-time artist and occasional art instructor. It's a little scary, just because it's a big change, but I'm really looking forward to it. There's a lot of things I've been wanting to do, field trips for my work, that I never had time to do before. It should be fun, and I'll let you know how things turn out.

I also uploaded a new Sketch for 05/19/08.

On the flipside of things, have you seen the new Whitney Biennial Artist t-shirts at the Gap?

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Finished Pigeon Drawing

Finally managed to finish this piece after two or so months of work. Over all, I'm satisfied. I think the texture of the paper and medium works well for the grittiness of this image, but in future pieces I'll probably revert back to the refined, graphite look that the Blackbirds have.

I'm also starting a new piece (similar, but bigger), so I'll post updates on it too.
(This piece is 22 x 30 inches, Wax Pencil on Paper - each image is 9 x 12 inches)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Drawing In Progress Part 2

I'm working away at the second portion of the drawing (you can kind of see the first one right above it). It'll be interesting to see it completed. I liked the contrast of the references next to each other, and I'm hoping it will come across in the finish.

Also, I just want to formally announce that both Blackbirds #9 and #10 have sold, and I'm accepting commissions for more Blackbirds (I actually have one underway now). If interested, you can contact me directly via:


cell: (415) 412-8610 (e-mail is usually better for getting a faster response).

P.S. Just updated with a new cafe sketch for 04/20/08.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

"Follow Through" Blackbirds Sold Out!

I'm happy to announce that all eight of the Blackbirds at 79 New Montgomery sold out. There have also been inquiries about commissions, and whether or not I have any other Blackbirds in my possession. I have two. Blackbirds #9 and #10 are still available for purchase, and are in the process of being framed.

Please direct any inquiries to Danielle Beach at 79 New Montgomery.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Group Show Reception at 79 New Montgomery

I finally stopped procrastinating and uploaded photos from the reception at 79 New Montgomery onto "Follow Through" went really well, two pieces sold during the reception, and within the first hour, we ran out of food and sketch postcards. Exciting!

Check out the reception photos!

If you missed out on the reception, you can still check out "Follow Through" at 79 New Montgomery, San Francisco throughout the month of April.