Monday, March 01, 2010

So Much is Burning @ Gallery Heist

This is a bit of a last minute development, but on March 6th I'll be part of the Tenderloin-focused group show "So Much is Burning" at Gallery Heist! The show will also include artists such as Akira Beard, Coro (*cough*lovehiswork*cough*), Mike Giant, Hugh Leeman, C3, Brad K. Alder, and a bunch more! (view the extended entry for links to most of the gang) Here's the specs for the show:

"So Much is Burning"

Gallery Heist

Sat. March 6th, 7 - 11pm

679 Geary St,

San Francisco, CA

As a footnote, the title of the show, "So Much is Burning" is based on a poetry book title by William Taylor. Taylor currently writes about, and is a resident of, the TL. Pretty sweet!

Click for the extended entry of this post with list of link-love!


Werner said...

Also checked your "current Work" link, looks interesting!
(Hm, actually I was also attracted by the photo on your post of Jan. 10, the cup of coffee with a piece of shadow ... I like that...)
Will come back, if you don't mind.

Megan Wolfe said...

Thanks for checking out my blog, Werner! :) And of course, come back and visit anytime.