Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hipster Apocalypse @ Cafe Royale

As far as Hipsters are concerned, it's the end of the world. But is it the end for them, or for the rest of us? Truthfully? Probably neither, but that doesn't stop all of us (hipsters or otherwise) from having a little fun with the subject via art. The end is nigh, and details below:

"Hipster Apocalypse"

Cafe Royale

Thurs. June 3rd, 8 pm - Late

800 Post St,

San Francisco, CA

Click to RSVP on Facebook


Richard Cheung said...

Hey Meg, great work. just wanted to say hi, was searching around fface and came across your stuff. Good to see an artist using graphite-only. I betrayed myself and used ink. But that's all ok.

Megan Wolfe said...

Thanks, glad you like the work! :D Yeah, I'm a graphite junkie for sure. Something about the texture I really like (I've always been a dry-media person though).

And no worries, I switch over to ink sometimes too. ;) (shh.. don't tell anyone, lol)