Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving! Blog post 90!

It's now roughly a month before Christmas, and I'm busy prepping my holiday cards. :) The cards feature the first drawing from a new series I've been working on. A number of these will be sent out to my collectors and prospective galleries, but I ordered enough to have some extras for anyone else who wants one. :D If you would like to have one, e-mail me a mailing address and I'll send one out just for you. All cards will include a handwritten note from me, and a small sketch inside the card! However, the deadline for receiving one will be December 20th (after that I'm on vacation), so get one while you can. :)


Jeanette Jobson said...

This is a great idea Megan. I've done a similar thing on my blog - a sort of Pay it Forward. Its always good to share and to receive samples of work from other artists.

I'd love to receive one of your cards. I'll send you my mailing information and leave the rest to you.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have one of your cards! I think you have my address. See you soon!

Megan Wolfe said...

Jeanette > Thanks! I really wanted to do something fun for the season, and I hope people enjoy the cards. :) Plus I'm really curious to see what kind of a response I get from it.. I don't have a counter, so I can never how many people are keeping up with me (aside from subscribers).

B > Sure thing, of course. :)

juj said...

love the subtlety of this piece, and the movement. lots of great stuff on your blog. can't wait to have more time to explore...

suzanne cabrera said...

This is gorgeous. It's interesting how it is both dark and sweet. This is a combination I hardly ever seen.

Love your work!

StudioRisingStar said...

Megan I want a card tooooo!!
I feel left out....


Megan Wolfe said...

Juj > Thanks very much for stopping by! :) I really enjoy your work also.

Suzanne > Thanks! My favorite things (from art to books) have a slight dark edge to them.. it's nice to know that pops up in my own work now and then. :)

Brandon > Oh, I'll totally send you one. I need a mailing address tho. :)