Thursday, June 24, 2010

48 Hour Film Project at Arc Gallery

Well, it's 6:30 am, and I'm awake and caffeinated! Unfortunately, that won't make this note any less direct. Sorry guys, a girl's got to sleep sometime.

Last week the crew from AntiSocialites camped out at Arc Gallery to shoot their short film "Con/Artist". The film is part of the 48 Hour Film Project, and uses the PaperView group show as part of the set. Rumor has it, the four large pigeon works I submitted to the show, have made their way into some key scenes. Of course, I'll be investigating this personally!

You can read up about the film, or check it out in person:


Lumiere Theatre

Tues. June 29th, 7p & 9:30p

1572 California St,

San Francisco, CA

(Special thanks to Mike Yochum for grabbing a snapshot of the filming for me!)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hipster Apocalypse on Fecal Face

Well kids, I hope you rationed your bottled coffees, because shots from the Hipster Apocalypse have made their way to Fecal Face! (again, kudos due to Shaun Roberts for covering the show) No doubt the fallout from the reception took its toll on many (myself included), but if you somehow slept through the action, you can check out the artwork until July 3rd.

Of course, until you venture out of your bunker to survey the damage, Fecal Face has the report.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Next Up, PaperView

Dear diary, I'd really like a dolly. No, not the creepy kind I found in the hallway while I was doing laundry (though that was cool too), I mean the kind on wheels that I can haul artwork with. Let's keep it practical.

With two group shows this month, Hipster Apocalypse (reception photos coming soon), and the upcoming PaperView at Arc Gallery, it's been a great month. Albeit, a busy one. I've spent way more time writing, promoting, and framing (as well as balancing my freelance gig) than creating. But this is normal when you've got shows rolling down the pike, and it has to be done. No complaints.

So this Friday (June 11) from 7-10p, check out the next group show, PaperView at Arc Gallery. Arc is a great space, and I highly recommend checking it out. Hope to see you guys there!

(above photo by Shaun Roberts - more posted on my flickr)

Thursday, June 03, 2010

"Your Last Moment" in the Bay Guardian

There's been some great press surrounding the Hipster Apocalypse show at Cafe Royale, including blog entries from both the Tenderblog and SFCitizen, and now the Bay Guardian has also jumped aboard to promote the show! This afternoon the print edition printed "Your Last Moment" (one of two works), along with the show's bio. Looks like it's going to be a fun reception tonight!