Thursday, June 24, 2010

48 Hour Film Project at Arc Gallery

Well, it's 6:30 am, and I'm awake and caffeinated! Unfortunately, that won't make this note any less direct. Sorry guys, a girl's got to sleep sometime.

Last week the crew from AntiSocialites camped out at Arc Gallery to shoot their short film "Con/Artist". The film is part of the 48 Hour Film Project, and uses the PaperView group show as part of the set. Rumor has it, the four large pigeon works I submitted to the show, have made their way into some key scenes. Of course, I'll be investigating this personally!

You can read up about the film, or check it out in person:


Lumiere Theatre

Tues. June 29th, 7p & 9:30p

1572 California St,

San Francisco, CA

(Special thanks to Mike Yochum for grabbing a snapshot of the filming for me!)

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