Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

I love Halloween. Actually, I think it's probably my favorite holiday.. just because I get to eat a lot of chocolate and wear funny hats. :D Besides treating myself to some chocolates (as if I don't consume enough on a daily basis already..), I treated myself to some painting also. :) Here's my latest journal entry!


The Laughing Chimp said...

I like this one! Made me hungry.
You talked about funny hats but how come I haven't seen you wearing any!?
Great journal entry.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Talking about funny hats. I know that somewhere on the web (not so fare away) there is a pic title "Meg is a Dork", but I'm not telling where! (^_^)

Great sketch Meg! One of my favorite.

Megan Wolfe said...

Hey Mikael,

I had to add your comment by copying/pasting it myself. For some reason, when I tried to approve it, it kept telling me "sorry, we are unable to help you". I have no idea why? When I added a "test" comment under anonymous, I was able to approve it just fine.

Anyway! Yeeaahh.. you saw those photos huh? That was my funny hat for the year.. I should do a painting of it, it's so nerdy.

akt said...

i want a "meg is a dork" hat now.

Lynette said...

LOL I love chocolate and Halloween too (who doesn't?!) Wonderful painting!