Sunday, November 05, 2006

Pretty photo

Sooo.. last weekend was my last weekend volunteering for Artspan, and to fill in the empty slot in my schedule this weekend, I volunteered for the Academy's faculty auction. :P It's amazing how competitive some people got when bidding. It was a nice party though, lots of great artwork, saw a lot of school friends (though I couldn't really chit-chat because I was working); wish I had taken some photos. But speaking of photos, tonight I went out with a friend to take photos in the park. Here's a little something from the shoot. :)


Lynette said...

Hi Megan, I saw your thread in wetcanvas asking for a critique of your blog and had to check it out! What a gorgeous photo, at first I thought of liquid gold pouring into a big vat. Lovely! I think your blog looks really nice! I like the overall silvery look to it because it makes the color stand out so nicely in your photos!

Megan Wolfe said...

Hi Lyn! Thanks much for stopping by to crit my blog! I really appreciate your comments (as well as the other WC members!).

As to the photo.. that's what I liked so much about the angle. :) I couldn't resist how surreal the water looked!