Saturday, June 21, 2008

New In Progress.. Plus Updates!

New in progress. This one stems from a, presumably, pest-free tree. Did I mention that my bonsai still has bug problems? We're working to fix that though.. Also, I've uploaded eight of my newest works into Photo Albumns on Three images in "Misc", one in "If I Run", and four in "Current Work", which is an overview, and preview, of my upcoming series.

Lastly, new sketch for 06/22/08! YEAH! I totally never update this on a weekly basis, so you'll be lookin' at those creepy skulls for a while. I like them though. They're dramatic.


Unknown said...

beautiful drawings!

Megan Wolfe said...

Thanks, Alina! :D I'm glad you like them!

StudioRisingStar said...

Hi wolf wolf!
Great new art! Are you using graphite?


Megan Wolfe said...

Hi Brandon! Thanks!

The in progress is black prismacolor (my usual tool-of-choice), while the tree bark ("My Flesh #1") is graphite. :)

Sergio Lopez said...

Them's some purdy drawings... Hope your art life's been good...

joseph's art and stuff said...

Impressive work throughout this site. Outstanding

Megan Wolfe said...

Sergio > Thanks, dude! Art life's pretty good.. teaching this semester, doing an internship, and a commission.. on top of my own stuff. :) Little bit busy anyways.

Hope things are good with you!

Joseph > Thanks much for checking out my work! :D I'm happy that you like it.

Jim Yang said...

Love how you handle the feathers and made them feel layered.

So are you going to turn into one of those old pigeon lady when you are old?(Feeding them so you can draw them?)

Megan Wolfe said...

Jim > Oh man, it's so tempting to walk around with a loaf of bread.. hard to catch them when they happen to be feeding.