Saturday, September 20, 2008

Macy's Passport Gala, and Sociology Sketches

This week I helped out my buddy Mark Elliot with his mural for the Macy's Passport Gala. Unfortunately, I could only chip in with the preliminary work, as my workshop at AAU conflicted with the time frame of the actual event. All the same, it was a fun experience, and I can't wait to see pics of the finished piece.

Check out: Macy's Passport Gala

(photo description: Steve Javiel shows off his stealth ability by camouflaging himself with the mural underpainting)

Also, if you requested a copy of "Sociology", I included quickie sketches on each of the notes I slipped in with the zines. It's nothing big, and they're similar to the sketches I do for my postcards, but I hope you guys get a kick out of them anyhow.


suzanne cabrera said...

Love, love, love the lines are absolutely beautiful.

Megan Wolfe said...

Aw, thanks, Suzanne! :D

José Louro said...

Im with Suzanne.

Megan Wolfe said...

Thanks, Jose! I'm happy you guys like the sketches! :)