Saturday, September 06, 2008

"Sociology" Zine Now at City Lights!

It's official, City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco is carrying several copies of my zine, Sociology! If you happen to be in the Bay Area, stop by and pick up a copy! They're priced at $2 each. Pretty sweet for something partially hand-drawn, signed, and numbered.

However, if you live too far away, I have a few that I'm giving away through! If you're interested in one, drop me a line with a mailing address, and I'll put one in the mail for you. Scout's honor, I won't send you anything except the zine (and maybe a thank you note). The zines are limited in quantity though, so get one while you can!

(P.S. For a preview of Sociology, go to


suzanne cabrera said...

Very cool Megan! I would love to order one from you. If you'll send me you address I'll be happy to pay you for it. I framed your Christmas card and it's such a lovely addition to my walls. I may have to do the same things with your zine.

Suzanne Cabrera
606 Ashland Drive
Greensboro, North Carolina 27403

suzanne cabrera said...
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MBlaster said...

Oooh la la! Congrats Megan!

Megan Wolfe said...

Thanks, guys! :) Check your emails; you're both on the mailing list.

The Laughing Chimp said...

Hey Meg, cool zine!
I was wondering if you still had some zines left 'cause I'd love to order some copies of it.
From what I could see the ink work looks so elegant!
I want it!
Let me know if you take international orders.
Tell Albert we (Cindy, Kevin and I) said Hi.
Congratulations once again.

Ariela Steif said...


I saw the pictures of the zine on suzanne's blog -- I'd LOVE to have one! Any left? Happy to pay for it, too.


Ariela Steif
732 South Forest, Apt. 3
Ann Arbor, MI 48104