I'm also thrilled because Albert bought me a new MacBook for our anniversary, and I can actually TYPE my posts in Typepad, instead of copying them over from my word processor. It's awesome! I may even start video blogging now that I have a camera. Except I hate listening to myself, so that might not work out after all. We'll see.
Sociology update: I'm out of zines, guys. If you requested one during the offer, I'm going to mail them out on Friday. Thanks, and I hope you guys enjoy them! (let me know what you think, too, feedback is always cool)
I want a zine!! Send me one!
Sorry, dude, that's it for now. :( If you really REALLY gotta have a copy of issue #1, it's also available at City Lights, or I might sell my copy at the Open Studios in Oct.
HOWEVER.. I'm planning to do Sociology #2 before too long.. and I'll put you on the list to get one. :) So even if I don't give any of #2 away, you'll get a one on the house!
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