Monday, November 01, 2010

Time to Redirect!

Please update your links and redirect your bookmarks to:

Saturday, October 09, 2010 In Progress

Ok, so I wasn't completely happy with the last redesign. Actually, I was upset that I couldn't move (or add) the widgets I wanted to (and it wasn't going to improve anytime soon), so I jumped ship over to Word Press.

I have to say, despite that I need to tweak a few things here and there (and create a decent banner), at least I have the ability to do that. The Word Press version is also dead-on with the design I initially wanted. I have room to grow artistically with my website now, and that helps to keep me motivated in the studio.

So here you go! I'll be adding to, and editing, the design for the next few months, but I really do like this one; it's a keeper. Check out the Word Press edition of!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

The New & Upgraded

Well, it's finally happened. After a year of mulling it over, I've decided to jump in and redesign Thankfully, by the time I got around to it, the crew at Typepad came up with a template close enough to what I initially wanted. Unfortunately, it isn't *quite* perfect, but it'll do for now.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Live Sketching @ Blick Art Materials

This month (in two weeks, to be exact) I'm going to be part of the grand opening reception for Blick's new store on Market St. The plan thus far is to be sketchin', but who knows? Maybe I'll bust out some paint! (it happens.. sometimes) Here's the details for the event, plus the time when you'll catch me sketching:

"Live Drawing at Blick"

Blick Art Materials

Sun. August 29th, 4 - 7 pm

Market St (between 6th & 7th),

San Francisco, CA

10 Years of Fecal Face Dot Com

A couple of weeks ago the Fecal Face crew sat down to fine tune the details about the upcoming 10 Year Anniversary show and after party. Fortunately, I brought the camera along; I'm not especially great at offering suggestions. Here's a few shots from the brainstorming session, and here's the details about the big Anniversary bash (seriously, don't miss this one, it's a milestone):

"10 Years of Fecal Face Dot Com"

The Luggage Store

Fri. Sept 10th, 6 - 8 pm

1007 Market St (near 6th),

San Francisco, CA

Sunday, July 04, 2010

A New Beginning @ 941 Geary

This month the crew of White Walls / Shooting Gallery open the doors to another addition, 941 Geary (right around the corner from White Walls), a gallery that is anticipated to show established and international artists alike. Though mums the word on who all the gallery will be lining up, the space itself is beautiful, and impressive (it's also huge, so artists will have an insane amount of space to work with).

Check out the photos and commentary on Fecal Face.

Reception @ Arc Gallery

Better late than never! Though the show has wrapped, several reception shots from PaperView last month have been posted to my Flickr account, and has also posted their review. Here's a couple of quotes from ArtBusiness:

"Review by RWM: Wonderful variety of art with impressive use of paper as medium. There are amazing pigeons, sexy butterflies, fascinating landscapes, and memorable collages.

Comment by AB: A respectable cull with high points worth seeing."

You can check out my reception shots here, and's here.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

48 Hour Film Project at Arc Gallery

Well, it's 6:30 am, and I'm awake and caffeinated! Unfortunately, that won't make this note any less direct. Sorry guys, a girl's got to sleep sometime.

Last week the crew from AntiSocialites camped out at Arc Gallery to shoot their short film "Con/Artist". The film is part of the 48 Hour Film Project, and uses the PaperView group show as part of the set. Rumor has it, the four large pigeon works I submitted to the show, have made their way into some key scenes. Of course, I'll be investigating this personally!

You can read up about the film, or check it out in person:


Lumiere Theatre

Tues. June 29th, 7p & 9:30p

1572 California St,

San Francisco, CA

(Special thanks to Mike Yochum for grabbing a snapshot of the filming for me!)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hipster Apocalypse on Fecal Face

Well kids, I hope you rationed your bottled coffees, because shots from the Hipster Apocalypse have made their way to Fecal Face! (again, kudos due to Shaun Roberts for covering the show) No doubt the fallout from the reception took its toll on many (myself included), but if you somehow slept through the action, you can check out the artwork until July 3rd.

Of course, until you venture out of your bunker to survey the damage, Fecal Face has the report.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Next Up, PaperView

Dear diary, I'd really like a dolly. No, not the creepy kind I found in the hallway while I was doing laundry (though that was cool too), I mean the kind on wheels that I can haul artwork with. Let's keep it practical.

With two group shows this month, Hipster Apocalypse (reception photos coming soon), and the upcoming PaperView at Arc Gallery, it's been a great month. Albeit, a busy one. I've spent way more time writing, promoting, and framing (as well as balancing my freelance gig) than creating. But this is normal when you've got shows rolling down the pike, and it has to be done. No complaints.

So this Friday (June 11) from 7-10p, check out the next group show, PaperView at Arc Gallery. Arc is a great space, and I highly recommend checking it out. Hope to see you guys there!

(above photo by Shaun Roberts - more posted on my flickr)

Thursday, June 03, 2010

"Your Last Moment" in the Bay Guardian

There's been some great press surrounding the Hipster Apocalypse show at Cafe Royale, including blog entries from both the Tenderblog and SFCitizen, and now the Bay Guardian has also jumped aboard to promote the show! This afternoon the print edition printed "Your Last Moment" (one of two works), along with the show's bio. Looks like it's going to be a fun reception tonight!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

"Paper View" @ ARC Gallery

Yep, if I'm updating, there must be another group show on the horizon! Hipster Apocalypse is coming up this Thursday, June 3rd, and Paper View at ARC Gallery will be on Friday, June 11th! (next week) Paper View will include works on paper by James Grouleau, Deborah Hayner, Andrew Ogus, Priscilla Otani, Dennis Parlante, Kim Smith, Kirsten Tradowsky, Stephen C. Wagner, Kay Weber, and Megan Wolfe. Here's the info:

"Paper View"

ARC Gallery

Fri. June 11th, 7 - 10 pm

1246 Folsom St,

San Francisco, CA

Click to RSVP on Facebook

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hipster Apocalypse @ Cafe Royale

As far as Hipsters are concerned, it's the end of the world. But is it the end for them, or for the rest of us? Truthfully? Probably neither, but that doesn't stop all of us (hipsters or otherwise) from having a little fun with the subject via art. The end is nigh, and details below:

"Hipster Apocalypse"

Cafe Royale

Thurs. June 3rd, 8 pm - Late

800 Post St,

San Francisco, CA

Click to RSVP on Facebook

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

"SuperNatural" on

Alan Bamberger made the gallery rounds (I don't see how he does it all, really) and stopped by the SuperNatural reception at Fabric8! He also snagged this shot of me next to "Growth", which is much appreciated (because, you know, I can't shoot myself). Click over to and check out the other shots from the reception!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pics from SuperNatural @ Fabric8

Just processed some of the pics from SuperNatural at Fabric8; the show was another packed crowd with great people, great food, and of course, great art! But, if you missed the reception, check out the show, hanging until May 10th!

Click here to check out the pics.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

SuperNatural @ Fabric8

There's more group shows on the horizon, and as mentioned in Video Blog 012 (the one in which I assemble a frame), next weekend is the reception at Fabric8! Here's the specs:



Sat. April 17th, 7 - 11pm

3318 22nd St,

San Francisco, CA

Video Blog 012 - "The Pain of Framing"

An inside look at the stuff I do with framing, the process, and why I might someday have an intern do this part for me (since I'll likely be in a body cast).

Thursday, April 01, 2010

"So Much is Burning" on stopped by "So Much is Burning" at Gallery Heist last month and brought back a ton of photos! (thanks guys!) They also coaxed me into this photo op.. don't ask how it happened, just know that someone, somewhere, probably has some dirt.

For a list of upcoming shows, click over to!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Play to Your Strengths

Ok, I admit, sometimes I tape cheesy quotes over my drafting table. This is a really good one though, I got it off of a horoscope. It also popped up the day after I got one saying I needed a new love life asap (that one really made me laugh), so take it with a grain of salt.

"Play to your strengths." It's simple, and when you think about it, it's a pretty strong little quote. Well, it gets me going anyway. But I'm going to challenge it and say "play to your weaknesses" too.

Click for the extended entry

Friday, March 12, 2010

Reception @ Gallery Heist

Just wanted to drop a quick note to say thanks for turning out for the Heist show, guys! The crowd was awesome - tons of people everywhere, checking out and discussing art. Unfortunately, I didn't grab very many pics (once again, I was too busy chatting and catching up.. the best part about receptions!), but I did snag this one of the crowd.

Next up, another potential group show on the horizon! Details coming soon. In the mean time though, I'm off to work at the drafting table for my usual 4am run. Getting really close to finishing up this labor of love (three months in the making, can't wait to be done).

Monday, March 01, 2010

So Much is Burning @ Gallery Heist

This is a bit of a last minute development, but on March 6th I'll be part of the Tenderloin-focused group show "So Much is Burning" at Gallery Heist! The show will also include artists such as Akira Beard, Coro (*cough*lovehiswork*cough*), Mike Giant, Hugh Leeman, C3, Brad K. Alder, and a bunch more! (view the extended entry for links to most of the gang) Here's the specs for the show:

"So Much is Burning"

Gallery Heist

Sat. March 6th, 7 - 11pm

679 Geary St,

San Francisco, CA

As a footnote, the title of the show, "So Much is Burning" is based on a poetry book title by William Taylor. Taylor currently writes about, and is a resident of, the TL. Pretty sweet!

Click for the extended entry of this post with list of link-love!

Symbolism & Drawing @ Sharon Art Studio

This April I'll be conducting a 4 week, 4 session workshop with Sharon Art Studio. The course will focus on Symbolism & Drawing as it relates to (my favorite subject) the still life! We'll be reviewing the basics of value and composition, as well as delving into classical grid systems, and symbols used by the old masters. Here's the official info about the class:"Symbolism & Drawing"

Sharon Art Studio

4 Week Workshop

Thursdays, April 1 - 22nd, 6:30pm - 9:30pm

300 Bowling Green Dr,

San Francisco, CA

Click here to check out Sharon Art Studio, and sign up!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Erik Otto @ White Walls

This announcement has been several months in the making (and my deepest apologies to all who were waiting for me to get things together), but I am now guest blogging for Curbs & Stoops as a West Coast correspondent! My focus will mainly be on conducting interviews, though I might slip in a report here or there to mix it up.

For my first entry to Curbs, I scoped out Erik Otto's work. A blend of street and design, Erik work has knocked me off my feet a few times with his insane installations (the most memorable for me being this tree house at the Shooting Gallery last October). Check out the post and some examples of Erik's work, now on Curbs & Stoops!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Social Butterfly: Social Media for Artists

Next month, I'm going to be part of a panel discussion about social media for artists! The event will also include guest speakers Tim Aldridge and Mike Yochum (moderated by Stephen Wagner). Here's the official pitch, plus the details:

"Learn to use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Imagekind, and other on-line sites to successfully market yourself and your artwork, with tips, suggestions, & strategies from those who have mastered the art of social networking & on-line marketing."

"Social Butterfly: Social Media for Artists"

San Francisco Artist Network

Arc Studios & Gallery

Wed. February 24th, 7:00pm - 9:00pm

1246 Folsom st,

San Francisco, CA

Click here for the official Facebook invite!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Video Blog 011 - "Artists & Culture"

Just a few things I've been thinking about lately; mostly want to spark a dialogue with this one. What do you guys think? As fellow artists and art enthusiasts, what do you feel your role is in society?

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Protagonist @ SPACE Gallery

The first group show of 2010, "The Protagonist" will feature two of my drawings from "Mass Populous", as well as artwork by Adam Caldwell, David Young, Aaron Lawrence, Nolan Yelonek, Paul Konzen, Red Jordan Arobateau, and more!

"The Protagonist"

Fri. January 15th, 8pm - Late

1141 Polk st,

San Francisco, CA

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Slowing Down with Jazz

There's something about jazz music on a cold San Francisco night that is relaxing. Especially after the long holiday, it's a luxury to be back in my studio, chilling out to the awesomeness of Herbie Hancock.

Maybe it's a personal thing, but jazz reminds me to slow down and become more considerate. It also reminds me that improvisation can reap better results. Both of which are part of my goals for the New Year (note that I didn't say "resolution" - I feel like resolutions aren't created, or taken, as seriously).

Click for the extended entry